
MUSHRING The Most Handy Tool

Mushring provides timely and reliable wild mushrooms fruiting forecast maps, for up to 8 days ahead,
in a broad region of the globe comprising the continent of Europe, Asia, North America and Australia.

Find out how to:

Get access to the wild mushrooms fruiting forecast maps (MUSHMAPS)

Use the wild mushrooms fruiting forecast maps (MUSHMAPS)

Get access to the wild mushrooms fruiting forecast maps (MUSHMAPS)

Click on “REGISTER” in the main menu.
Step 01

In the registration page fill in your credentials and then click Register.

  • Note that, you can change everything later, except of the username.
  • Also, note that, by registering you accept the terms of use and our privacy policy.

Step 02

After that, you will be asked to check your e-mail inbox for an activation e-mail from
Step 03

Check your inbox for an e-mail from Mushring entitled “[Mushring] Activate your username”.
Step 04

Follow the instructions written in the e-mail and click on the activation link.
Step 05

A new tab will open in your browser and you will be prompt to login, using your credentials. Also, you will receive an e-mail with your new account information.
Step 06

You are now a Registered User of Mushring.

To get access to the 8-days wild mushrooms fruiting forecast maps of Europe and most western Asia, you will now have to purchase a Mushring Plan.
So, click on “MUSHRING PLANS” in the main menu.
Step 07

Select the Mushring Plan of your choice and click on “Subscribe” to get access to the 8-days forecasting maps for the specified period (1 or 3, or 6 months), after purchasing the selected Mushring Plan.
Step 08

You will be redirected to the login page of Paypal.
There, either you enter your PayPal credentials and complete the payment or you create a new account in PayPal for your Debit or Credit card and then complete the payment.

Step 09

If something goes wrong with PayPal, or you change your mind and you don’t complete the payment, you can “Retry payment”, or “Cancel” the Pending Subscription to the specified Mushring Plan.
Step 10

Once you have purchased a Mushring plan, you can get access to the wild mushrooms fruiting forecast maps (MUSHMAPS).
Note that,

  • You can always “Upgrade” to another Mushring Plan of higher value.
    • Step 11

      What if your Mushring Plan has expired?
      You can still “Upgrade” to another Mushring Plan of higher value.
      You can “Renew” your subscription to the selected Mushring Plan.
      Or, you can “Cancel” the expired Mushring Plan and purchase another.
      Step 12

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      Use the wild mushrooms fruiting forecast maps (MUSHMAPS)

      Once you have purchased a Mushring plan, you can get access to the wild mushrooms fruiting forecast maps (MUSHMAPS).
      So, click on MUSHMAPS on the main menu.
      Step 13

      Explore the map, by dragging it with the mouse pointer and zooming with the mouse wheel, to locate your region of interest.
      Click on “Next Day” button to find mushroom fruiting places for up to the next 7 days.

      Step 14
      Step 15
      Step 16

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